Monday, July 30, 2012

Natural is beauty

This advertisement is creative and can fully utilize the beauty of the environment.
This is a hair dye advertisement. To show the hair color changing, it dint use a nice model that shows how nice is the hair, instead, the advertiser hang the billboard high in front of the sea. We can look through the hair to the sky. Therefore, when the sky color change, the hair color change also. Morning: Gold color; Evening: orange color; Night: Dark color. The hair color change according to the weather! They dint use any technology by investing a vast amount of money to alter the hair color, , but using the power of the natural. Smart enough! Using this method not only can save cost, also manage to show the powerful message of the advertisement: the hair dye is containing a range of color! The advertisers also smart because they know the natural is always prettier than the thing which purposely done. This advertisement also inspired me that the natural power is the most beautiful thing in the earth. What if they use the human made color to paint the hair color? The color exactly do not have those effect. No matter how many technology you own, how many buildings you build, you still cannot compete with the beauty of the natural. Just like there are many nice scenery that human being cannot paint them easily, but the natural scene can do that. So is make up make a person prettier? Or the natural face nicer? Of course I prefer the later. :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Lost and Gain

Wake up in the early morning, left leg is in pain. I barely to move. Do not know what I have done yesterday night. Perhaps sleepwalking and fell down? I do not know. Left leg hurt, have to depend on my right leg to support my massive body. Here come an idea to me: You lost something, you will only aware of you actually had it before. When your leg sprained, you became more noticed on the pain leg. You realized that you have never appreciated when the legs are in good condition, hoping that the legs recover so much; When you lost one of your teeth, your tongue will keep licking between the hole, hoping the teeth were there; When your closest family not around, only you started to miss them, when they are gone. This is because human used to be the condition they used to be. Thus, when the condition changed, they are not familiar and started to cherish the pass. They will magnify the mistakes and forgot what they having around. Perhaps the lost and pain function as reminder for us to appreciate them. However, somehow rather human are good in adapting in new environments. They can start to get use to the new situation. When the new situation changed again, they will get to use in the new situation again and again. Until the last breathe of their live. All of these stick to one condition: Let the pass go. We cannot predict what will happen next. But if we cannot let the "used to be condition" go slowly, we will remain and stand still in the same point. We might just blame ourselves again and again and depression happened. Just like if I unwillingly to move on with my hurt leg and keep blaming myself, then I will never step out from my room. Left leg hurt, I am glad that I still have my right leg, at the moment I try my best to heal my left leg. Because he is part of me. There is something gone that you cannot do compensation anymore. Death it is. At the moment you lost something, you know to let the lost go, then you gain something. However, do not constantly depend on the pain and lost to remind you to appreciate. Before it lost, learn to appreciate!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


The idea generation class that day really opened our mind. One of our idea is about snooker. Suddenly an idea jumped inside my mind. Not about how the snooker inspire and helps in our children storybook, but some life philosophy. I just ever play the snooker pool, which is a smaller one. I am not very expert in playing that, also not really clear about the rules and regulation, just understand need to use the white balls to push all the color balls down to the hole. So whenever I play, I will just aim to the hole and concentrate on pushing the color balls down to the hole. However, no matter how I aim, how i pose, sometime rally hard to push a ball down. However, in the mean time, another ball that accidentally being pushed by the ball that I aim can get into the hole. Sometime even I just simply push without aiming can also success. For this children story book idea generation, the "snooker theory" comes in too. The idea that we think the tutor will accept usually are not the good idea, while we think the idea that have lower chance one usually got the marks. Just like playing snooker. Life is also like playing snooker. When you purposely want to do something, sometime you feel it is hard, and no matter how many efforts you put also fail. Your journey to the goal might be hard, nevertheless there will be some surprise happen in your life. This can boost your confidence again to move forward. Of course, to decrease the failure rate,the skills are very important. Just like playing snooker, if I have learned some skills to play the snooker, the failure rate wont be so high. Therefore we have to check on our mistakes, or find other skills to make it succeed. The color balls just like our dreams and goals, in snooker pool, once we get one ball into the hole, we move closer to the glory. And our goals are the 7 color balls and a black balls. In real life, even we only have one dream or goal are hard to achieve. But hard does not mean impossible. We can be symbolize as the white ball, as long as the white ball still there, then chances are there. Just do not get the white ball into the hole then others will not have chance to take advantage on you. Perhaps I should always play snooker pool to remind me this theory of life.
Picture adapted from

Monday, July 9, 2012

Test and Drive

It was my first experience in testing drive a new car. Felt nervous and excited when holding the steering. The first car i jumped in was Proton new car, Proton Preve. I am not really particular and having very wide knowledge about cars. But after my friend urge me to test drive, I wish I can gain some practical knowledge from there. For me, Proton Preve is indeed bigger than my Proton Wira (Proton is not bad though), the technology also impressed me. Normally we will insert the car key into the hole and start the engine, but for Preve, there is no car key hole but another hole for the whole alarm to insert in, then press another button for twice, step on the break, then press the specific button again, only we can successful start the engine. Maybe I need some time to get use to it. For the first time, I drive such a high technology car, my nervousness lead me bump with a small corner. Luckily the sales person do not care so much. While I was driving, the sales person told me that this auto car can change to manual system. By just turning the gear to another side, and press "+" sign that attached on the steering, the speed change, just like changing the gear in manual. But this definitely do not bother about the clutch. I getting more comfortable in driving this but too bad I just able to drive it for 15 minutes.
Picture adapted from:,r:4,s:0,i:83 Technology really amazing. Auto car and manual car supposedly are separately, but now have changed. By having this kind of car, you can drive different system depend on your situation or mood. People no longer worry about driving manual car is very tiring task when caught in jam. They can just change to auto whenever necessary. Although it is very spectacular technology, but sometime the pricing also does matter. Wish I could get one not far from now.