Monday, July 30, 2012

Natural is beauty

This advertisement is creative and can fully utilize the beauty of the environment.
This is a hair dye advertisement. To show the hair color changing, it dint use a nice model that shows how nice is the hair, instead, the advertiser hang the billboard high in front of the sea. We can look through the hair to the sky. Therefore, when the sky color change, the hair color change also. Morning: Gold color; Evening: orange color; Night: Dark color. The hair color change according to the weather! They dint use any technology by investing a vast amount of money to alter the hair color, , but using the power of the natural. Smart enough! Using this method not only can save cost, also manage to show the powerful message of the advertisement: the hair dye is containing a range of color! The advertisers also smart because they know the natural is always prettier than the thing which purposely done. This advertisement also inspired me that the natural power is the most beautiful thing in the earth. What if they use the human made color to paint the hair color? The color exactly do not have those effect. No matter how many technology you own, how many buildings you build, you still cannot compete with the beauty of the natural. Just like there are many nice scenery that human being cannot paint them easily, but the natural scene can do that. So is make up make a person prettier? Or the natural face nicer? Of course I prefer the later. :)

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