Monday, July 23, 2012

Lost and Gain

Wake up in the early morning, left leg is in pain. I barely to move. Do not know what I have done yesterday night. Perhaps sleepwalking and fell down? I do not know. Left leg hurt, have to depend on my right leg to support my massive body. Here come an idea to me: You lost something, you will only aware of you actually had it before. When your leg sprained, you became more noticed on the pain leg. You realized that you have never appreciated when the legs are in good condition, hoping that the legs recover so much; When you lost one of your teeth, your tongue will keep licking between the hole, hoping the teeth were there; When your closest family not around, only you started to miss them, when they are gone. This is because human used to be the condition they used to be. Thus, when the condition changed, they are not familiar and started to cherish the pass. They will magnify the mistakes and forgot what they having around. Perhaps the lost and pain function as reminder for us to appreciate them. However, somehow rather human are good in adapting in new environments. They can start to get use to the new situation. When the new situation changed again, they will get to use in the new situation again and again. Until the last breathe of their live. All of these stick to one condition: Let the pass go. We cannot predict what will happen next. But if we cannot let the "used to be condition" go slowly, we will remain and stand still in the same point. We might just blame ourselves again and again and depression happened. Just like if I unwillingly to move on with my hurt leg and keep blaming myself, then I will never step out from my room. Left leg hurt, I am glad that I still have my right leg, at the moment I try my best to heal my left leg. Because he is part of me. There is something gone that you cannot do compensation anymore. Death it is. At the moment you lost something, you know to let the lost go, then you gain something. However, do not constantly depend on the pain and lost to remind you to appreciate. Before it lost, learn to appreciate!

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