Sunday, August 26, 2012

World of Creativity

"A, B, C, D...."26 alphabets can generate million of words; "do, re , mi, fa, so, la, ti, do" just eight notes of that can created other musics and songs that impress everyone. Red, yellow, and blue three main colours can mixed to another another colours and painted the a colourful world. A simple thing can become creative and interesting when you join them together. Throughout these 14 weeks of attending the class of Creative Thinking and Idea Generation, I have realised this. Creativity is not something that come appear suddenly. It is something that you have seen, you have observed, you have feel. When you mixed them together, it become yours, your creativity. It is a process, a never-ending process. I have claimed myself in those days that I am not a creative person. As I cannot come out something different with other people. I gave up easily and dint go to generate and dig out the things that lies within my mind. But now, I have a different perception of creativity. As long as you tried, nothing is impossible. Observed more, anything can be your inspiration and creativity. I glad that I have attended this class. I appreciate that. Thanks Sir.

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