Saturday, June 30, 2012

Breathe Of Life

Breathe of Life, a song that sang by a group called Florence and The Machine. I was outside a cinema when I first listening to this song. It's in a trailer of a movie "Snowhihte and The Huntsman". I was addicted to the song once I listened to it. By the way I have watch the movie as well, but I think the song is more interesting than the movie. The powerful voice of the singer and the instruments that played by the group is distinctive with the others song that I previously tend to listen to. This song getting impressive when I plug my earphone and turn the volume nearly maximum, the grand effect is hardly describe by words. This song are just perfectly match between the singer and the instrumental. I close my eyes and get into the world of the song, I can imagine the sorrows and dilemma that the song want to express. "Who's side am I on? Who's side am I? Who's side am I on? Who's side am I?" This lyrics has be expressed by the singer in a struggle and indecisive way. When come to the chorus, the beat became more stronger and even my goose bump came out when I follow to sing the song. "But all the choirs in my head say, no oh oh~" this part is like describing the struggle that happened within the Queen's mind in the movie. I have a thought about playing this song when I organize an indoor event in the future. It must be very exciting and impressive when the PS system work well with this song within the event hall! Just like getting a breathe of life!
Pictures adapted from:

Thursday, June 21, 2012


This is the second time I bring my uncle to Hospital for doing physiotherapy. He met accident 3 months ago and have done the operation on his right shoulder two months after the accident. But still, his right hand unable to lift up. Because of this, I manage to step into the physiotherapy treatment room. First time when I was here I am more excited than my uncle to grab a seat there. There are full of the machines to facilitate the patient to do the physiotherapy. I wish I can do my fitness exercise there too but the nurses said only for patient. The physiotherapists are very friendly and slowly teach the patient what to do. I became a translator for my uncle as there has only 1 Chinese who was busy taking care of the kids. Yes. The physiotherapy not only for adult, but also children. I was curious about what problem they will have to lead them to the physiotherapy. The most common is the obesity. I was fun when seeing the obese boy to do the exercise. Sounds bad but really feel happy when saw he was working hard to get rid of his problem. Of course his family was there to encourage him. Today, I have totally different feeling when seeing some children doing their physiotherapy. Got one little boy, around 3 years old, first lied on a special design chair, then the chair slowly being raised and aided him to stand. However, with the help of the chair, the child still unable to stand straight, his head and body will tend to move to right or left. He seems cant control himself. His dad and mum keep encouraging him to stand straight, or help him to be straight again. Especially the mum, keep making her children happy. I know the boy is in pain. When I heard the boy's laughter, I feel so warm. Wonder to ask what actually his problem is but do not want to disturb their progress. Silently wish he will get well soon. Got some other kids, cannot even walk in a straight line, their legs is like "O" shape leg and walk like "8" style. These are really touch me. Both from the children and parents side. There are really many unfortunate one outside there. The lucky kid, can run around, sing a happy song, now more advance are moving their fingers around to play the I-Phone, Samsung Galaxy Tab. On the other hand, the parents also demand more from the children. They send their children to kindergarten at the age of 3, or let them to take extra classes to "open their mind". The parents anxious about their children is not smart enough, not competitive enough with others. Wonder how a toddler can learn so much. Comparing to the unfortunate one, for the above case, they even unable to stand or walk properly. Will the parents of them ever thinking of let them to join those kind of extra classes? I think their biggest wish is just to keep their children healthy. Nothing is important than this. Maybe human being are really greedy. Once you have no problem, you will crave for other things, and create another problem to solve. And then complaint complaint and complaint (Malaysia style).Just like because of their children have no problem, so they want their children to be the best or sort of. Human needs are never being satisfied, so after all they might end up with making their children have problem. Be contented and you will search the happiness.

Monday, June 18, 2012


Yesterday went a shopping center with my sister, I suppose to go there for doing some academic survey for my assignment. However, I end up with spending some facial products. Just can blame to the mid year sales for giving out such temptation. I bought a facial product, something like toner, which originated from Taiwan. Before this I never use Taiwan product, recently after I watch some Taiwan drama, I envy those Taiwan lady who has fair and nice face complexion, this round i decided to switch to Taiwan's facial product. The packaging of the product is plain white with some red words, not too attractive, but somehow the words grab my attention: "The effects inside is more important than the cover; the skin within is more vital than what it actually shows." To challenge this, I decided to bring it home. (Maybe this is a trap to make some people like me to fall into). It is not too expensive, is affordable for me. I went home happily although my research are failed. This is the product, with white background and the red words. Not even a visual attractiveness occur, but the words are powerful. I learnt that if I do not know the sense of the art or image, the words can be used instead to attract the audience. A very nice strategy indeed. Besides the powerful words, there is another interesting thing about the cover or packaging. After I took out the product, there is some instruction. Not about the benefits of the product, but teaching how to transform the packaging into a pencil case. Well, this is environment friendly, another strategy as well, but I feel comfortable with it. So after follow the instruction, cut here and there, the plain white cover has transformed into a pencil box that full of lovely rose. Images adapted from:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Will You?

There are many anti-smoking PSA or gruesome pictures placed on the packaging of the cigarettes are sometime not effective enough to encourage the smokers to quit smoking. However, I am speechless when i watch this PSA..I am not sure how will the smokers feel when seeing this? A simple yet very impact-full message. By using the style of the smoking pose and do it inverted become a powerful message. The two fingers became the legs while the cigarette symbolize the penis. This obviously telling us that smoking can have bad effect toward the performance of the sexual activity. To let people have more understanding, they add on some words: "If you wont give up smoking for your lungs, heart or throat, maybe you'll do it for your penis" Then the whole image came out. Sometime this technique is more powerful than keep on giving advice and the smoking campaign that showing all the disgusting picture. But this ads directly tell you the bad effect of the smoking, in a powerful and humorous way. This probably can stick into the people mind for a longer time.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


That time was my first attempt to read in front of a computer for a long period. Neither academic research nor watching Hong Kong soap opera. Instead, i read novels online. What a surprise for all of them who know me well. I was surprise too. The author of the stories that fascinated me so much is Giddens Ko, who is currently so well known of his film-You are The Apple of My Eye. He is so popular after the movie screening, a simple love story with a lot of humiliating elements that happens so closely in our surrounding. However, he is not only keen on writing love story, but also other stories, love, horror, adventurous, motivated and so much more. I cant named it so far as I just read some of them. The stories that attracted me the most is the "City Fear" series, which consists of different titles, they seem unrelated but have connection in some senses. The stories depicted in a simple manner, but turn all the horror and psycho scene from visual to word. The murdering process was describe in detail, the blood, the operations, the can imagine how the character use the technique of hypnosis to kill the whole family's member, there are so real! I just carried away when I reading his city fear stories, through online reading. I can sit in front of the computer for 5-6 hours.One story after another. Until I have a nightmare, only I know that I was too over. I would not like to turn into psycho just because of reading his books. After all, I just cannot believe that there are a writer can write love story as well as horror story, maybe more. Source: It's is very hard for a writer to have different styles of writing, based on my opinion. Since each of the writer want to maintain certain style so they tend to stick to one genre, to attract the certain readers that favor over their works. If they try another genre, maybe they will lost the primary reader as well. Unless they are confident to do it. Just like Giddens Ko. He can write horror story as well as the love story. From his story, I realize that he is a person who really like to write. Therefore, no matter how people look at him, he will still strive for the things that he think is good. That is why he can breakthrough and write different kind of story. Sometime we really need to be brave enough to break our barrier. Once we take the first step, we can do it. Usually the first step is the hardest step to take. But if Giddens Ko can, I think others can as well, including me.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Coffee Art

I never come across with coffee. I like to have a sweet dream rather than a sleepless night that will be invited by it. Nevertheless the images on the coffee's surface apparently attracted me the most, which is called coffee art. Coffee art is the picture or design that being display on the surface of the coffee. To create the coffee art with nice coffee, the ratio of the coffee, milk and foam must be mastered. For the people who do not drink coffee like me, I would hope to have a try after seeing the impressive patterns on the coffee. For me, this is very creative to design a picture or images on the surface of coffee. The taste of the coffee seems to become nicer after add in the images. Not only picture, you can even add in few words. Below are some samples of the coffee art:
adapted from
Adapted from Even though there is just simple images or words, but it definitely will lighten up the people who look at it, before they started to sip the coffee.The creativity has transform the plain foam above the surface of coffee into the interesting part of the coffee.