Monday, June 11, 2012

Will You?

There are many anti-smoking PSA or gruesome pictures placed on the packaging of the cigarettes are sometime not effective enough to encourage the smokers to quit smoking. However, I am speechless when i watch this PSA..I am not sure how will the smokers feel when seeing this? A simple yet very impact-full message. By using the style of the smoking pose and do it inverted become a powerful message. The two fingers became the legs while the cigarette symbolize the penis. This obviously telling us that smoking can have bad effect toward the performance of the sexual activity. To let people have more understanding, they add on some words: "If you wont give up smoking for your lungs, heart or throat, maybe you'll do it for your penis" Then the whole image came out. Sometime this technique is more powerful than keep on giving advice and the smoking campaign that showing all the disgusting picture. But this ads directly tell you the bad effect of the smoking, in a powerful and humorous way. This probably can stick into the people mind for a longer time.

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